Choreography: Dances D thru F
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DANCE TERMS: As Used In These Choreography Files...
R = Right L = Left F = Foot CT = Counts PT = Point X = Times CW = Clockwise CCW = Counter-clockwise
Note: All steps are described starting with RF and can be reversed to start with LF
Balance – (2cts) Bal. R, Bal. L,
Box – (4cts) RF steps forward, LF crosses RF, RF steps backward, LF steps to L,
Hopping Box – (8cts) RF steps forward & hop, LF crosses RF & hop,
RF steps back & hop, LF steps L & hop,
Chasse – (3cts) RF steps forward, LF steps next to RF, RF steps in place,
Pivoting Chasse – (3cts) RF steps forward, pivot ½ turn R,
LF steps next to RF, RF steps in place,
Cherk – (2cts) RF steps forward diagonally L, picking up LF & LF steps in place,
(RF steps back to original place, add 1 extra ct.),
Cherkessia – (4cts) RF steps forward, LF steps in place, RF steps back, LF steps in place Double Cherk – (6cts) R cherk to L, L cherk to R,
Debka – (2cts) Both feet hop in place to face CCW, pivot ½ turn L, both feet hop in place to face CW,
Kibbutz – (4cts) RF steps R, LF steps behind RF, RF steps R, LF steps L with heel down & toes up,
Half Kibbutz – (2cts) RF steps R, LF steps in place with heel down & toes up,
Kibbutz Hop – (4cts) RF steps R, LF steps behind, RF step R & hop,
Backward Hopping Mayim – (8cts) Face center RF steps back & hop, pivot ¼ turn L to face CW, LF steps L & hop, pivot ¼ turn L to face outside, RF crosses LF & hop, pivot ¼ turn R to CW, LF steps back & hop, pivot ¼ turn R to face center,
Cross Mayim – (4cts) RF crosses LF, LF steps L, RF steps behind LF, LF steps L,
Open Mayim – (4cts) LF steps L, RF crosses LF, LF steps L, RF steps behind LF,
Outside Mayim – (4cts) Face center: Pivot ½ turn L to face out of circle,
CW: RF steps R, LF steps behind RF, RF steps R, LF crosses RF,
Grapevine – Mayim with any number of count,
Hopping Mayim – (8cts) CCW: RF steps forward & hop, LF steps forward & hop,
Pivot ½ turn L, Face CW: RF steps backward & hop, LF steps backward & hop,
Seven-up Mayim – (8cts) Cross Mayim 2x, kicking LF up while hopping on RF on 8th ct,
Half Seven-up Mayim – Mayim 1x, kicking LF up, while hopping on RF on 4th ct.,
Polka – (3cts) RF steps R, LF steps next to RF, RF steps in place, (very fast),
Step together – (2cts) RF steps forward, LF steps forward next to RF,
Step together Step – (3cts) RF steps forward, LF steps forward next to RF, RF steps forward,
Step together Step together – (4cts) RF steps forward, LF steps forward next to RF,
RF steps forward, LF steps forward next to RF,
2 Pt Turn – (2cts) RF steps R & pivot ½ turn R to face out,
LF steps L & pivot ½ turn R to face center,
3 Pt Turn – (3cts) RF steps R & pivot ½ turn R to face out,
LF steps L & pivot ½ turn R to face center, RF steps R,
4 Pt Turn – (4cts) RF steps R & pivot ½ turn R to face out,
LF steps L & pivot ½ turn R to face center, RF steps R, LF bal. L, Slow 2 Pt Turn – (4cts) RF steps R & pivot ½ turn R to face out & pause,
LF steps L & pivot ½ turn R to face center & pause,
Hopping 2 PT Turn – (4cts) RF steps R & hop, pivot ½ turn R to face out,
LF steps L & hop, pivot ½ turn R to face center,
Hopping 4 Pt Turn – (8ct) Hopping turn in place RF, LF, RF, LF
(pivot ¼ turn R each step) (R hand raised),
Polka Turn – (12cts) RF steps R & pivot ¼ turn R, LF steps next to RF, RF steps in place, LF steps L & pivot ¼ turn R, RF steps next to LF, LF steps in place, RF steps R & pivot ¼ turn R, LF steps next to RF, RF steps in place,
LF steps L & pivot ¼ turn R, RF steps next to LF, LF steps in place, (hands raised),
Turn in Place –(8cts) RF steps R & pivot ¼ turn R, LF touches toes next to RF (arms wave R),
LF steps L & pivot ¼ turn R, RF touches toes next to LF (arms wave L),
RF steps R & pivot ¼ turn R, LF touches toes next to RF (arms wave R),
LF steps L & pivot ¼ turn R, RF touches toes next to LF (arms wave L),
Moshav Step – (4cts) RF step R, LF steps behind RF, RF steps R, LF steps behind RF,
Scissor Kicks – (8cts) RF hops in place, LF kicks forward,
LF hops in place, RF kicks forward,
Repeat 3x
Step Slide – (2cts) RF step R, LF steps next to RF (can be done as a Leap),
Yemenite – (3cts) RF steps R, LF steps back slightly, RF crosses LF,
Yemenite Hop – (4cts) RF steps R, LF steps back slightly, RF crosses over LF & hop,
Revised 2-22-01
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