Choreograph: Part I Chorus (I lift up my eyes) 4cts Face Center: Walk in R step touch L (hands waive R) Walk in L step touch R (hands waive L) 4cts RF ½ turn R in place to face out & hold 4cts Face out: Walk in R step touch L (hands waive R) Walk in L step touch R (hands waive L) 4cts RF ½ turn R in place to face in & hold 8cts RF cross mayim L, RF cherkessia CW 4cts RF steps forward CW & touch L (hands waive R) LF steps forward CW & touch R (hands waive L) 4cts RF steps forward CW & touch L (hands waive R) LF steps forward CW & touch R (hands waive L) 4cts & Pivot ¼ turn R to face center & Bal. R 2cts & L 2cts
Part II Verse 8cts 3ct RF cross mayim L (hands cross at wrist, raise & extend apart) 3pt LF turn L (hands raised), RF cherk L, LF cherk R 8cts 3ct LF cross mayim R (hands cross at wrist, raise & extend apart) 3pt RF turn R (hands raised), LF cherk R, RF cherk L (Bal. R&L as needed)
Part III Bridge same as Chorus, only walk in & out are CW & CCW
Repeat Part II Repeat Part I replace walks forward CW with walks in & out 2x