Kumi ori, ki va orech, Uch-vod Adonai alayich zarach
(Rap Text) Darkness covers the earth See darkness over the nations For the Lord will arise and His glory unmistaken To break into the darkness and shine for eternity The light that’s shining out from that glorious holy city Kings and nations will be drawn into your light At the brightness of your rising, What an awesome sight Lift your eyes and see the peoples coming from afar
Just take a look around you, What a joy will fill your heart Joy will fill your heart.
Arise, shine. Your light has come The glory of the Lord has risen upon you.
Artist: Barry & Batya Segal
Part I Verse - CW 4cts RF steps forward & pause, LF steps forward & pause (hands raised wave R-L) 4cts RF cross mayim L (hands follow feet), 8cts RF cherkessia forward, RF heel taps R 2x Repeat I
Part II Chorus - Face Center 8cts RF taps R 4x (hands raise apart slowly) 8cts RF 2 pt hopping turn R (hands raised), RF yemenite & pause (lower hands) 8cts LF taps L 4x (hands raise apart slowly) 8cts LF 2 pt hopping turn L (hands raised), LF yemenite & pause (lower hands) Repeat II Part III Bridge - Face center 4cts RF steps R & pause (hands raised by shoulders & snap), LF steps behind RF & pause (hands raise by shoulder & snap), 4cts RF yemenite & pause (hands lower) 8cts Walk in L-R, walk out L-R (raise & lower hands) 4cts LF steps L & pause (hands raised by shoulders & snap), RF steps behind LF & pause (hands raise by shoulder & snap), 4cts LF yemenite & pause (hands lower) 8cts Walk in R-L, walk out R-L (raise & lower hands)