On this night, let us light one little candle fire, Tis a sight, oh so bright, one little candle for Chanukah. On this night, let us light two little candle fires, Tis a sight, oh so bright, two little candles for Chanukah. On this night, let us light three little candle fires, Tis a sight, oh so bright, three little candles for Chanukah. On this night, let us light four little candle fires, Tis a sight, oh so bright, four little candles for Chanukah. On this night, let us light five little candle fires, Tis a sight, oh so bright, five little candles for Chanukah. On this night, let us light six little candle fires, Tis a sight, oh so bright, six little candles for Chanukah. On this night, let us light seven little candle fires, Tis a sight, oh so bright, seven little candles for Chanukah. On this night, let us light eight little candle fires, Tis a sight, oh so bright, eight little candles for Chanukah Eight little candles for Chanukah
Artist: Exelsior
Circle dance holding a candle One dancer starts alone, adding one new dancer with each verse.
Part I 6 counts CCW: RF chasse forward (hands waist high swing R) LF chasse forward (hands waist high swing L) 6 counts RF steps forward, LF cherk R raising up on toes (hands raise forward) LF 2 pt. turn L (hands held waist high forward) & pause 6 counts CW: LF chase forward (hands waist high swing L) RF chasse forward (hands waist high swing) 6 counts LF steps forward, RF cherk L raising up on toes (hands raise forward) RF 2pt turn R (hands held waist high forward) & pause 6 counts RF yemenite, LF yemenite
After the 3rd verse or 3rd candle add RF polka ½ turn R & LF polka ½ turn R before the 4th candle or 4th verse