Out Of Egypt (ICD Dance Choreograph, Lyrics & Video)
And there she will sing as in the days of her youth As in the days she came out of Egypt
So will I draw her, I will lead her into the dessert I will speak to her gently, I will open a door of hope
I will betroth you, And act out of compassion I will always be faithful and you will acknowledge the Lord
Artist: Carolyn Hyde
Prelude (holding elbow to elbow) 4cts Face center: RF Polka R, LF Polka L 2cts Face center: RF crosses LF, LF touches toes pointing L 2cts Face center: LF crosses RF, RF touches toes pointing R 2cts Face center: RF crosses LF, LF touches toes pointing L 2cts Face center: LF crosses RF, RF touches toes pointing R 8cts CW: RF crosses LF, LF steps L & pivot to face center, Repeat 3x 8cts CCW: LF crosses RF, RF steps R & pivot to face center, Repeat 3x 2cts Face center: RF crosses LF, LF touches toes pointing L 2cts Face center: LF crosses RF, RF touches toes pointing R 2cts Face center: RF crosses LF, LF touches toes pointing L 2cts Face center: LF crosses RF, RF touches toes pointing R
Part I Chorus 1 ct Face center: Leap R & tap LF heel pointing L (hands palm up waist high L) 1 ct Face center: Bring both feet together (hands on hips) 1 ct Face center: Leap L & tap RF heel pointing R (hands palm up waist high R) 1 ct Face center: Bring both bet together (hands on hips) 4 cts Face center – travel ccw: Tap RF heel R, jump & cross LF over RF & repeat (hands on hips) 1 ct Face center: Leap R & tap LF heel pointing L (hands palm up waist high L) 1 ct Face center: Bring both feet together (hands on hips) 1 ct Face center: Leap L & tap RF heel pointing R (hands palm up waist high R) 1 ct Face center: Bring both bet together (hands on hips) 4 cts Tap RF heel pointing R & pivot RF ¼ turn to face center, drag LF next to RF (hands extend raised & cross at wrist) & repeat
Part II Verse 2 cts CCW: RF steps forward & pause (RH palm up waist high, LH on hip) 2 cts LF steps forward & pause (LH palm up waist high, RH on hip) 4 cts RF cherkessia (hands extend apart, waist high, circle forward & draw into chest) 4 cts RF step together step forward & pivot ½ turn R to face CCW (hands raise forward) 4 cts LF step together step backward (hands lower) 2 cts CW: RF steps forward & pause (RH palm up waist high, LH on hip) 2 cts LF steps forward & pause (LH palm up waist high, RH on hip) 4 cts RF cherkessia (hands extend apart, waist high, circle forward & draw into chest) 4 cts RF step together step forward & pivot ½ turn R to face CCW (hands raise forward) 4 cts LF step together step backward (hands lower)
1st Interlude – Same as 1st 8 counts of Prelude Cross Touches (minus polkas) 2cts Face center: RF crosses LF, LF touches toes pointing L 2cts Face center: LF crosses RF, RF touches toes pointing R 2cts Face center: RF crosses LF, LF touches toes pointing L 2cts Face center: LF crosses RF, RF touches toes pointing R
Repeat Chorus 2x Repeat Verse 1x R & L (ccw & cw)
2nd Interlude – same as Prelude (minus polkas at beginning & minus cross touches at end) Repeat Chorus 1x
Part III – 3rd Interlude – Windshield Wipers – ie: 8 cts Face center: hop in place on LF & tap RF heel pointing R (hands extend apart) Hop in place on LF & tap RF toes in front of LF (hands clap raised), repeat 3x 8 cts Face center: hop in place on RF & tap LF heel pointing L (hands extend apart) Hop in place on RF & tap LF toes in front of RF (hands clap raised), repeat 3x
Repeat Chorus 1x 4th Interlude – same as Prelude 1x (minus polkas)
Part IV – 5th Interlude – Polk Box - ie: 8 cts Face center: RF polka forward (RF raised), LF crosses RF & polka (LH crosses RH) RF steps back & polka (hands raised apart), LF steps L & polka (hands raised) 4 cts RF polka turn R (hands on hips) 4cts Face center: RF polka R, LF polka L (hands on hip)
Repeat Chorus 1x Part V 6th Interlude – second part of Part I Prelude Travel step ie: 8cts CW: RF crosses LF, LF steps L & pivot to face center, Repeat 3x 8cts CCW: LF crosses RF, RF steps R & pivot to face center, Repeat 3x
Repeat Chorus 1x
Part VI – 7th Interlude – Taps & Pivot – ie: 2 cts Face center: RF taps 2x & pivot ¼ turn R (hands on hips) 4 cts Face CCW: RF cherkessia, 2 cts Face CCW: RF taps 2x & pivot ¼ turn R 4 cts Face out: RF cherkessia 2 cts Face out: RF taps 2x & pivot ¼ turn R 4 cts Face CCW: RF cherkessia 2 cts Face CCW: RF taps 2x & pivot ¼ turn R 4 cts Face center: RF cherkessia
Repeat Prelude cross touches & cross pivots 1 direction only & cross touches 4cts Face center: RF Polka R, LF Polka L 2cts Face center: RF crosses LF, LF touches toes pointing L 2cts Face center: LF crosses RF, RF touches toes pointing R 2cts Face center: RF crosses LF, LF touches toes pointing L 2cts Face center: LF crosses RF, RF touches toes pointing R 8cts CW: RF crosses LF, LF steps L & pivot to face center, Repeat 3x 2cts Face center: RF crosses LF, LF touches toes pointing L 2cts Face center: LF crosses RF, RF touches toes pointing R 2cts Face center: RF crosses LF, LF touches toes pointing L 2cts Face center: LF crosses RF, RF touches toes pointing R