In Your Name, powers of darkness tremble Jericho tumbles to the ground In Your Name, chains of death are broken Lord of Hosts pour Your power out
We have overcome by the name and the blood Of the Lamb of God Every wall must fall Every knee must bow To the Lord of all
In Your Name, Every curse is broken Sin and death underneath Your feet In Your Name we will bow before You Every tribe and every tongue will sing
Artist: Paul Wilbur
Part I 4 counts Face center: Walk in R-L 8 counts RF windmill pivot into center (RF steps into center, hops & pivot ½ turn L, LF hops in place, RF steps out of circle, hops and pivots ½ turn L, LF hops in place) (R hand raised R, L hand on hip), 4 counts: Face center: RF crosses over LF & pivot ¼ turn R, LF cross over RF & pivot ¼ turn L, 8 counts: CW: RF cross mayim L, Face center: RF cherkessia forward (hands lower & raise), 24 counts Repeat Part I 4 counts CW: RF cross mayim L (hands cross & raise),
Part II 8 counts: CCW: (holding hands) RF steps forward & hop, LF steps forward & hop, pivot ½ turn L to face CW, RF steps backward & hop, LF steps backward & hop, 8 counts: CCW: RF hopping 2 pt turn R (2ct each step) (R hand raised), R yemenite hop (R hand lower), 8 counts: CW: (holding hands) LF steps forward & hop, RF steps forward & hop, pivot ½ turn R to face CCW, LF steps backward & hop, RF steps backward & hop, 8 counts: CW: LF hopping 2 pt turn L (2ct each step) (L hand raised), L yemenite hop (L hand lower), 32 counts: Repeat Part II