Yeshua Is The Light (ICD Dance Choreograph, Lyrics & Video)
Yeshua is the light that drives out the darkness The darkness must flee from the presence of HaShem Yeshua is the light that drives out the darkness The darkness must flee from the presence of HaShem
His Light now shines, the darkness must flee The darkness must flee from the living Word His Light now shines, the darkness must flee Yeshua is the light of the world
He came to the world, confounding the darkness His Word is a light, a lamp for our feet He came to the world, confounding the darkness His Word is a light, a lamp for our feet
Artist: Zemer Levav
Candle Dance
Part I Prelude, Interlude & Postlude 4cts CW RF step together step (STS) Forward & Right into center (angled in 45 degrees) (hands swing Right with candles together) & Pivot ½ turn Right over R shoulder to Face CCW 4cts Face CCW, LF STS Backward & Left into center (angled 45 degrees) (hands swing Left with candles together) 4cts CCW RF STS Right (angled in 90 degrees out) (hands swing Right with candles together) & pivot ½ turn Right over R shoulder to face CW 4cts Face CW LF STS Left out of circle (angled 90 degrees) (hands swing Left into center with candles together) Repeat Part I Interlude
Part II Verse 1 4cts CW RF cross mayim L (hands cross at wrist & raise apart) 4cts Face center RF ½ box (2cts each step) (R hand raised L – L hand raised R) 4cts Face center RF STS Right (R hand swings R – L hand draws near body) Face center LF STS Left (L hand swings L – H hand draws near body)
& pivot ½ turn L to face out 4cts Face out RF STS Right (R hand swings R – L hand draws near body) Face center LF STS Left (L hand swings L – H hand draws near body) 4cts Face out RF cross mayim (hands cross at wrist & raise apart) 4cts Face out RF ½ box (2cts each step) (R hand raised L – L hand raised R)
& pivot ½ turn R to face in (hands raised) Repeat Part I verse 1
Part III Chorus 4cts CW RF cross mayim L (hands cross at wrist & raise apart) 4cts CW RF STS forward (R hand swings R, L hand draws near body) 4cts CW LF STS forward (L hand swings L, H hand draws near body) 4cts CW RF cherk forward (hands raise & lower together) 4cts CW RF cross mayim L (hands cross at wrist & raise apart) 4cts CW RF walks forward & pause (R hand swings R, L hand near body) LF walks forward & pause (L hand swings L, R hand near body) 4cts CW RF cross mayim L (hands cross at wrist & raise apart) 4cts CW RF cherk on line (hands raise & lower together)
Part IV Verse 2 4cts CW RF cross mayim L (hands cross at wrist & raise apart) 4cts Face center RF ½ box (2cts each step) (R hand raised L – L hand raised R) 4cts Face center RF STS Right (R hand swings R – L hand draws near body) & pivot ½ turn R to face out Face out LF STS Left (L hand swings L – H hand draws near body) 4cts Face out RF cross mayim L CCW (hands cross at wrist & raise apart) 4cts Face out RF ½ box (2cts each step) (R hand raised L – L hand raised R) & pivot ½ turn R to face in (hands raised) 4cts Face in RF STS Backward (hands lowers to R foot) Face in LF STS Backward (hands lower to L foot) Repeat Part IV Verse 2
Repeat Part III Chorus & Part II Verse 1 2x Repeat Part III Chorus Repeat Part I Interlude 4x Repeat Part IV Verse 2 2x Repeat Part III Chorus 2x 4cts CW RF cross mayim L (hands cross at wrist & raise apart) 4cts CW RF cherk on line (hands raise & lower together) 4cts CW RF cross mayim L (hands cross at wrist & raise apart) 4cts CW RF cherk on line (hands raise & lower together)