Dance Ministry Guidelines:
Beginners, Intermediate & Advanced Dance Class
Dance class is not a requirement to be able to dance with the dance ministry on Shabbat; however all dancers are required to know the beginners dances before being allow to attend the intermediate class and likewise all dancers are required to know all the intermediate dances before being allowed to attend the advanced class. Intermediate dancers may be asked to teach the beginners class and advanced dancers may be asked to teach the beginners or the intermediate class. With privilege, comes responsibility.
Age Limit
An age limit of 12 has been set to assist in the safety for all dancers. The dance leader may make exceptions on an individual basis if a child meets all other requirements of maturity and skill.
First and most important is a proper attitude of praise and worship. Dancers need to be prayerful and sensitive to the Spirit. Worship Dance is not performance nor is it play, we are not dancing just for the sake of dancing but rather it is a time of both personal and corporate worship of Yah and ministry to Him and an intercessory ministry to the congregation. Dancers need to be gracious towards others who may struggle with learning a new dance. It is very important not to criticize or give offense in any manner to anyone. It is better to give words of encouragement to build one another up. Dancers also need to have submissive attitudes toward each other and the dance leader, and not to be quick to take words of encouragement as criticism. Please allow dance leader the opportunity to answer all questions, too much information for new dancers is very over whelming and often is conflicting with the leader.
Dancers must uphold and guard the testimonies of others and the statutes of the congregation and the dance ministry and in doing so demonstrate a godly life style to be able to attend the dance class and to dance with the dance ministry on Shabbat.
Dawnita Carlson is the dance leader and subject to the Pastor/Eldership of FRMC. The dance leader can be reached at 303-659-2438 or 303-547-6996 if you have any questions or comments regarding the dance ministry. The dance leader reserves the right to ask any dancer not to dance if there is a problem with their attitude and/or skill level or appearance. The dance leader also reserves the right to update requirements as needed.
Location and Time
The beginner’s class meets on Thursday evening from 6:00-7:00 PM at Front Range Messianic Community.
The intermediate class meets on Thursday evening from 7:00-8:00 PM at Front Range Messianic Community.
The advanced class meets on Thursday evening from 8:00-9:00 PM at Front Range Messianic Community.
Membership in the congregation is not required to attend the dance class or to dance with the dance ministry on Shabbat. However, regular attendance in a Messianic congregation is required to participate in the dance class.
Dancers need to keep the dance leader and the other dancers in constant prayer. Again remember dance is an intercessory ministry therefore it is very important that a dancer spend time in prayer before Shabbat service.
All dancers must read, sign and return the RELEASE, ASUUMPTION OR RISK, AND COVENANT NOT TO SUE form to the dance leader.
Dress Code for dance class
All dancers need to dress in a basic modest manor in such a way as to not to cause others to lust or stumble.
Shabbat Service
Dance class is not a requirement to be able to dance with the dance ministry on Shabbats. However all dancers are required to know all the beginner’s dances before being allow to dance in the intermediate circle and likewise all dancers are required to know all the intermediate dances before being allowed to dance in the advanced circle. Intermediate dancers may be asked to lead the beginner’s circle and advanced dancers may be asked to lead the beginner’s, the intermediate or the advanced circle. With privilege, comes responsibility.
Age Limit
Adults and teens, 12 years old and older will be allowed to dance. Exceptions may be made at the discretion of the dance leader. Younger children are encouraged to dance together in their own circle with the supervision of the parents.
Back Circle - Beginners & Low Intermediate & Guests
These dances are simple enough for anyone 12 or older to join in. Dance class is not required to dance in the beginner’s circle but is strongly encouraged. Dancers who have not attended dance class are encouraged to come to Shabbat early to practice dances.
Front Circle/Circles – High Intermediate & Advanced
These dances are reserved only for those who are a part of the intermediate or advanced dance ministry (exceptions may be made at the dance leader’s discretion). Periodically there will be special dances for Holy Days and other events that require only dancers who have learned the dance be allowed to dance. Also the more difficult dances should be danced only by dancers who have learned them well. Therefore it is requested the dancers who do not know these dances sit out or dance with the intermediate and beginners in the back circle.
Dress Code
All dancers are to dress modestly to reflect an attitude of godliness. Dancing is a ministry to Yah and we want to be careful not to steal the attention due Him by dressing in ways that draw undue attention to ourselves.
· Female dancers in the front circle are required to ware dresses or skirts (with slips).
· No short dresses or short skirts. Dress & skirt length must come to the knee when lifting the hands above the head. If a dress is too short to be worn as a dress by its self without pants then it is not a dress.
(No pants allowed in the front circle unless worn under a dress or skirt).
· No midriff shirts or tight & clingy shirts, no spaghetti-string blouses or see-thru blouses allowed.
· No shorts, torn pants or blue jean pants of any kind are allowed.
· No bare feet during dance, shoes are required at all times to protect the health and safety of all dancers.
· No sandals, crocks or clogs allowed during dance, including summer outdoor events, again for safety.
Other Requests
- When dancing with banners, flags, ribbons, timbrals or tambourines caution must be taken so as not to injure or disturb others.
- Dancers need to be seated or step back when they are not dancing, so as not to be interfere with the worship of others.
- Dancers need to be quiet during and between songs, so as not to disturb the worship experience of others.
- No talking unless it is in prayer.
- Please, please, please no gum chewing while dancing.
The requirements to dance during the Sabbath service are the same as the dance class. All dancers must read, sign and return this form and the RELEASE, ASUUMPTION OR RISK, AND COVENANT NOT TO SUE form to the dance leader.
I have read and agree to abide by the guidelines for the Dance Ministry.
Signature Date
Outreach Ministry
Dress Code
All dancers will wear matching outreach costumes. Men wear black pants, white or maroon shirts, black suspenders and black shoes, Tzitzit and Kippah. Women wear matching dresses or skirts (with slips), dance shoes and head covering and matching shoes. If a dancer cannot afford shoes, the ministry will provide the funds for them. When a dancers no longer participates in the outreach ministry we request that they return the matching costume but they may keep the shoes.
Membership/regular attendance in an upright Messianic congregation is required to be a part of this outreach dance ministry. Only pre-approved members of the outreach dance ministry will dance at outreaches or other special events. This ministry is by invitation only.
Often dancers are asked to give their testimony at outreaches; therefore a dancer must be able to give an accurate testimony of Yahweh, Yeshua and the Spirit, the redemptive work of the Torah and the Apostolic Writings. A dancer must also uphold and honor and guard the Covenant of Justification given through Abraham and the Covenant of Sanctification given through Moses by living a Sanctified life style in accord with Scripture.
All dancers must attend the dance class for a minimum of 6 months before being invited to join the outreach ministry. The requirements to dance at outreaches are the same as the dance class and Shabbat services. All dancers must read, sign and return this form and the RELEASE, ASUUMPTION OR RISK, AND COVENANT NOT TO SUE form to the dance leader.
I have read and agree to abide by the guidelines for the Outreach Dance Ministry.
Signature Date
Dawnita Carlson
Updated: 11/18/2011
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